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Convicting the CEO of embezzlement and resolving issues related to his dismissal

Project manager:

March 15, 2023

Convicting the CEO of embezzlement and resolving issues related to his dismissal

A large exploration company has requested support for the liquidation procedure in the Russian Federation. However, in the process of preparing for the liquidation, the case was complicated by the fact that the CEO, who was dismissed at his own request, filed a lawsuit to declare the dismissal illegal. The former CEO referred to the fact that he allegedly did not sign the letter of resignation, but signed on blank sheets of paper, which were allegedly later adjusted by the company's employees. In preparation for the hearing, a handwriting examination was organized to confirm the authenticity of the letter of resignation. In addition, BBNP lawyers revealed the theft of valuable equipment, the transfer of clients to the affiliates of the former CEO, overspending and distorted reports to participants.

Also, during the search for equipment in Moscow. Lawyers found a warehouse in St. Petersburg containing containers containing the company's property. On site, the company's property was quickly exported from the specified warehouse to the leased site, where a video report was compiled for the company's foreign members. After receiving instructions regarding the equipment, all necessary actions were taken to transfer it to participants and partially dispose of it to competitors. As a result, the arguments of the former CEO were dismissed by the court as unfounded, and the dismissal was declared lawful in three instances. All the company's property was returned to the client, and an examination carried out at the request of specialists confirmed the authenticity of the CEO's signature.

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