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Managing partner
Corporate practice, Litigation, Investment projects


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We often take up non-trivial, complex disputes that require non-standard, creative approaches. In our work we allow the application of the success fee.

Our lawyers represent interests in Russian arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction, the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (ICAC).

A wide international network of partner law firms allows us to defend our clients’ interests in courts not only in Russia, but also abroad - in the USA, Canada, and European countries. Litigation lawyers of BBNP successfully represent, together with foreign lawyers, the interests of clients in Russian arbitration courts of all instances, general jurisdiction, commercial courts of foreign countries, international institutions in Stockholm, London and New York.

Litigation is one of the key areas of the firm's activities and includes the following areas:

Сollection of debts and losses

Сorporate conflicts

Labor disputes

Unfair competition

Protection of business reputation

Protection from criminal prosecution

Intellectual property

Credit and leasing relations

Tax disputes

Real estate and construction

Recognition of proprietary rights, servitudes

Appealing against the results of tenders and auctions

Supply of goods and services

Disputes with insurance companies

Customs disputes