Legal information

1. General provisions
BBNP (hereinafter referred to as BBNP/Company) provides a full range of legal services in all regions of Russia and the CIS countries, and also represents clients abroad through partnerships with leading law firms.

2. Use of the site
The exclusive right to this site (hereinafter referred to as the Site) belongs to BBNP LLC.

BBNP has the exclusive right to all materials posted on the Site and/or has the permission of the copyright holder to use such materials on the Site. BBNP also owns and/or has the appropriate permission from the copyright holder to use the trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and domain names used on the Site.

Site users have the right to view, copy, quote information contained on the Site, print out pages of the Site with information on paper, if such use of information is carried out solely for personal, informational, non-commercial purposes and provided that all copyright, related rights, trademarks and other copyright notices are preserved and with a link to the Site. Any form of distribution or public posting of any (printed or electronic) content of the Site without the prior written consent of BBNP is prohibited.

Any commercial use or change of materials published on the Site is a violation of BBNP's rights to intellectual property and means of individualization and may lead to the imposition of penalties against the offender under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Site is used in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Any questions regarding this Site can be sent to BBNP:

We reserve the right to change and/or remove, in whole or in part, any material published on the Site at any time and without prior notice.

3. Anti-corruption provisions
BBNP enshrines the principle of rejecting corruption in all forms and manifestations (the “zero tolerance principle”) when interacting with contractors, representatives of government bodies, local authorities, political parties, its employees and others.

The company has approved and is implementing the Anti-Corruption Policy as part of the development and implementation of BBNP measures aimed at preventing and combating corruption as part of joining the Anti-Corruption Charter of Russian Business of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

4. privacy
BBNP uses the personal information of Site users in connection with the provision of services and relevant information (for example, Company announcements about open vacancies, events, or about the Company), as well as to report changes in legislation and to send invitations to participate in relevant events and training seminars.

5. Limitation of liability
The information contained on the Site is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as a legal opinion or advice. Although the Company has made every effort to prepare, post and review materials on this Site, we cannot guarantee their absolute accuracy, completeness and relevance. The Company also cannot guarantee uninterrupted and trouble-free access to the Site and is under no circumstances responsible for possible losses incurred by users of the Site in connection with its use.